Box52 Coaching & Consulting Services

    Mental Fitness Group Coaching

    You get to build a foundation of mental fitness by strengthening three critical mental muscles to shift the balance of power from your inner Saboteurs (your negative self) to your inner Sage (your positive self).

    Week 1

    Self-Command Muscle

    Through a breakthrough process called PQ® Reps, you get to boost your Self-Command muscle.  Each PQ® Rep only takes 10 seconds and can be done with eyes open or closed.  With each PQ® Rep, you develop greater mastery over your own mind, quiet the negative, and activate the positive region of your brain.

    Week 2-3

    Saboteur Interceptor Muscle

    You get to intercept your top Saboteurs the moment they try to hijack your thoughts, feelings, and actions. In preparation for this practice, you get to expose the lies, limiting beliefs and damage of your Saboteurs, so they can no longer fool you into thinking they are helpful to you.

    Week 4-6

    Sage Muscle

    You get to practice the Sage Perspective that every problem or challenge can be converted into a gift and opportunity. And you get to generate the gift through the 5 Sage Powers of Empathize, Explore, Innovate, Navigate, and Activate.